
5 CBD Products That Can Help You Fight Acne

5 CBD Products That Can Help You Fight Acne

Every year, about 50 million Americans contend with acne, mostly thanks to their overzealous oil glands.

Acne is a condition that occurs when your oil glands go into overdrive mode and produce excess oil as they try to moisten the skin. This oil traps dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria to clog the skin’s pores.

There are different types of acne. The most common ones are black heads, white heads, papules, pustules, nodules and even cystic lesions.

Since acne affects the most visible parts of the body, victims suffer from low self-esteem. This causes them to want to try any product coming their way. Eventually, they spend too much money with zero to minimal positive results.

The market teems with thousands of products for clearing acne. However, most are fake, masquerading as the real deal. To cut to the chase, look for acne products containing CBD – cannabidiol.

Since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill Act that declassified hemp from controlled substances, many products containing CBD are available in the market. You can purchase them at physical stores, or online at headshops like Smoke Cartel where you can find a great selection of products for various ailments and purposes. These include oils, tinctures, lotions, creams and edibles, among others.

However, some of the benefits of using acne creams, lotions, masks, balms and serums that contain CBD include:

  • It addresses the root cause of the problem – by stopping the sebocytes (oil gland cells) from producing too much oil
  • CBD skin care products have an anti-inflammatory effect so they soothe your skin
  • They not only treat acne, but they also clear away the acne-blemishes
  • The CBD acne products are made from organically grown hemp and are third party-tested for pesticides, heavy metals, mold, and THC content (must be below 0.3%)

5 CBD Products That Can Help You Fight Acne

Top products to get rid of acne

The best CBD products for acne come in different forms. However, since all of them are made with the cannabidiol extract, they share many qualities.

Here are the five top ones that you can try out:

  1. CBD Acne Masks

CBD acne masks come in the form of a sanitary sheet that can be made of a natural material such as bamboo or cotton.

They come in different varieties, but the very best ones come infused with activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is antibacterial, so it can prevent your skin from getting infections.

The CBD in the acne mask reduces swelling, redness, and they soothe the skin. Some masks also have lactic acid, which clears the dead skin cells. Removing these cells helps to enhance the pigmentation of the skin. As a result, after consistent use of these masks, the skin becomes brighter.

Because of the CBD effect on the oil glands, your skin will feel less oily and smoother. You also enjoy using CBD acne masks because it feels like having a spa experience at home. Every product comes with full instructions for use.

Benefits of CBD Acne masks

  • They have high content of CBD, up to 50mg per mask so they work faster
  • Can be available in many formulations like charcoal, cucumber, aloe vera, rose and others
  • Your skin starts to feel softer and healthier in as few as 10 minutes of using the masks
  1. CBD Ointments

Today, you can find CBD infused ointments for different skin conditions such as acne and eczema. There are also cannabidiol ointments for pain. These products are applied directly to the parts affected by acne.

The CBD ointments have a soothing effect. As soon as the CBD gets into your skin, it starts to reduce swelling and redness.

CBD-infused ointments also help to exfoliate the skin, removing the dead skin cells from the pores and keeping them clear.

Your skin can breathe better and since the ointment creates a thin film over the skin; it prevents dirt, bacteria and other pollutants from getting into the pores.

Benefits of using CBD ointments

  • Easy to use – just clean your skin, dry it and apply the ointment
  • It has exfoliation benefits
  • It moisturizes the skin
  1. CBD Infused Vitamin C

Apart from Vitamin C boosting the power of the immune system, you can apply it topically on the skin to enhance its elasticity, texture and to help clear acne and related blemishes. Today, there are CBD-infused Vitamin C products that help to keep aging at bay.

When you apply such a product to the skin, it creates a thin, protective film that filters the UV rays, and keeps the pores protected against bacteria, dirt and other nasty agents. These products are easy to apply since you just need to clean the skin and dry it before applying.

When vitamin C is infused with CBD, it attains antioxidant properties. It helps to clear the free radicals that cause cell damage, which in return cause wrinkles, sagging and faster aging of the skin.

Benefits of CBD-infused Vitamin C

  1. CBD Balms

A CBD balm is different from an ointment/cream because it is waxier and thicker, which comes from the wax or fatty oil base. Infused with CBD, it can relieve pain on the skin when you apply it to the affected area. It is best to apply it in the evening because it will sit thickly on the skin.

Because of the thicker wax or fatty oil base, it takes longer for the CBD in the balm to get into the skin. Therefore, choose a balm that has a high concentration of CBD. You should also apply a generous amount of your balm on the affected area.

CBD Balms benefits

  • It prevents inflammation, which can cause eczema, acne and others
  • It can prevent acne-related pain
  • It helps to clear blemishes and lighten the skin complexion
  1. CBD Cleansers & Body Washes

The CBD cleansers give a superb cleaning effect, dissolving the oil and dirt that clogs the pores. CBD also relieves pain from inflammation, and if you have blemishes, using a CBD cleanser is going to clear them and lighten the skin.

Most cleansers are simple to use. After cleaning your skin and hands, squeeze it into your hand, rub to lather up and massage the cleanser firmly into your skin. Rinse it off with clean, cold water and then pat-dry with a clean, natural fiber towel or cloth.

Look for a CBD cleanser with Salicylic acid. This ingredient breaks the dead skin cells helping to unclog the pores. It also lowers the skin’s sebum secretion rate, leading to fewer acne breakouts.

CBD Cleansers and body washes benefits

  • Clears acne, blackheads and even black shadows under the eyes
  • Does not have strong smells and it leaves the face feeling cleaner and fresher
  • It is gentle and soothing on your skin

Final Thoughts

CBD infused, topical products for acne do a better job at clearing the skin, lowering inflammation and clearing the acne-caused blemishes.

When buying, make sure the products are infused with a high content of natural CBD. Consider the benefits before you think about the price. It is better to pay more and enjoy more benefits than pay less and get fewer benefits.


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