
Can Rose Quartz Go in Water? What You Need to Know

can rose quartz go in water

In the last few decades, alternative and holistic medicine have thrived. Many people turn to crystals as a way to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions. Among the popular choices are quartz, opal, and agate crystals.

In particular, rose quartz gemstones remain fan-favorites for many. The dazzling pink crystal is known for its healing abilities and strong love energy. But before you decide on buying this coral-colored crystal, you need to ask one important question — can rose quartz go in water? Keep reading to find out.

What Is Rose Quartz?

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a luminous crystal with a distinctly pale pink color. It is one of the most attractive types of quartz, known for its stunning glow and unique rosy hue.

Nowadays, you can find rose quartz talismans, jewelry, home and office decorations, as well as skincare products. For example, rose quartz face rollers have become a must-have item for many famous beauty gurus in the last few years. According to them, not only do these face rollers decrease swelling, but they also keep your face smooth and fresh.

When it comes to spiritual healing, rose quartz is known as a stone that radiates strong vibrations of emotions such as love and joy. Furthermore, in some traditions, it is believed that this pastel mineral’s main virtue is that of pure love. So if you ever find yourself in need of a little bit of love, gurus recommend rose quartz as it may help cure a lonely heart.

Can Rose Quartz Go in Water?

Go in Water

All crystals are a combination of many different minerals, and their composition can greatly influence the hardness of the gem. For example, rose quartz belongs to the family of quartz crystals, minerals primarily made out of silicon and oxygen. Its special pink color comes from small traces of metals, such as iron, titanium, or manganese.

Depending on the crystal’s structure, water may be its death sentence. Crystals composed of soft minerals start to crack and dissolve when submerged in water, even for a short time. On the other hand, crystals made out of harder minerals can stay in water for days or weeks without any issues.

How can you know which crystals can go in the water? Every rock seems hard when you touch it, so it can be quite challenging to determine its hardness level. Fortunately, if you are uncertain, you can consult the Mohs hardness scale to figure out the answer.

Mohs Hardness Scale


The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is used to determine the hardness of geologic rocks by checking their scratch resistance. That is achieved by pressing together two crystals and observing which stone inflicts damage and which one cracks. The softest mineral (1) on the scale is Talc, while the hardest crystal (10) on the list is Diamond.

Gems that grade 5 and under on the scale must not come in contact with water. Quartz stones, in particular rose quartz, belong to the upper part of the scale, ranging between 6 and 7.

So can rose quartz go in water? The simple answer is yes. However, you should be aware of the potential problems which may arise from doing so.

While it is entirely safe to dip your rose quartz crystal in water for a short period of time, longer exposure can lead to fissures or cracks on this magnificent stone. Why?

Every crystal, smooth or rough, contains tiny cracks invisible to the naked eye. If such a stone is left in water for a day or two, further physical damage may occur.

What’s more, crystals are often coated with a special type of oil which gives the rock a more profound shine. Water can wash away the oil and leave you with a dull quartz stone.

Another water-induced consequence is rust. As previously mentioned, rose quartz crystals contain small amounts of metal which give them their unique shade. And, metal mixed with water creates rust. As a result, your beautiful coral-hued crystal may develop yellow or brownish spots.

In addition, the quality of the crystal itself can be the deciding factor. Fake, dyed, or lower quality crystals are more prone to water damage, depending on their structure. Water could remove the artificial coloring from the stone and ruin its appearance.

Can You Bring Your Rose Quartz Into the Shower?


You just bought your first rose quartz crystal, and the positive vibrations start doing their magic. The crystal slowly takes away all the negative emotions, and you find yourself wanting more.

Where do you feel the most relaxed? Probably in a bath or shower. For some, the time spent in the shower serves as a form of meditation and self-reflection. Placing gemstones on particular body parts or around the tub begins the healing process. But is it a good idea to bring your favorite rose quartz gem into the shower?

From the information gathered, you know the answer is yes. If you search the internet, various bathing rituals will pop up. These rituals involving crystal healing can be very beneficial as they promote self-care, as well as physical and mental healing. You can enjoy your shower without fear that something will happen to your rose quartz crystals.

Cleaning Methods for Your Rose Quartz

Crystals are stunning gems, whether you believe in their healing powers or simply admire them for their appearance. But regular cleaning is necessary if you want your rose quartz talisman or gem to maintain its dazzling charm. There are various methods available, depending on your needs and beliefs.

If you fear your precious gem may get damaged by water, there is a simple solution. Instead of water, try buffing your quartz with a soft piece of fabric. It should remove all the dirt and impurities without causing any harm to the stone’s smooth surface.

But if polishing does not clean the rose quartz to your liking, you can dip it in water for a minute or two. Only make sure it thoroughly dries afterward. To prevent water from accumulating in the tiny crevices, turn the stone a few times during the drying process.

On the other hand, some crystal shop owners highly recommend using water as the main method for cleaning crystals. Soaking your gem in a cup of water mixed with 3 tablespoons of salt should do the trick. Also, in some traditional practices, people commonly use saltwater to cleanse stones from negative vibes.

Alternative methods include coating rose quartz crystals with essential oils, such as rose, jasmine, and lavender oil. Others recommend placing cleansing stones, like selenite, near the love crystal as a form of spiritual purification.

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